Proactive Positive Behavioral Supports


PBIS Implementation Idea Share — See What Your Colleagues Are Up To!

During our workshops, schools have the opportunity to share ways in which they currently implementing PBIS. This autumn, we decided to take notes and share some of those practices here. During our PBIS Universal/Tier 1 Team Training Refresher, the following schools shared a few highlights from their first year implementing PBIS.

Want to increase the sustainability of your PBIS efforts? Share Data!

We now know it’s not your school demographics, your level of staff buy-in, or the amount of financial funding that keeps a PBIS initiative going. In fact, a recent study reported that the single most significant variable related to sustained implementation of behavior interventions and supports is sharing data with staff.

Time for the Benchmarks of Quality!

Just a reminder that it’s time to complete your first Benchmarks of Quality (BOQ) of the year! The BOQ is a tool that every Tier 1/Universal PBIS team completes twice a year to self-assess their level of implementation fidelity. It gives you a roadmap and guide for areas to celebrate and areas to focus on this year. The Lower Hudson RSE-TASC uses the regional BOQ data to identify needs and provide relevant professional development workshops for you! We typically recommend the BOQ be completed by the PBIS coach and team at Thanksgiving and Memorial Day, and your window is now open if you would like to get a head start on your self-assessment and team planning!

Mini Training Presentation

See below for self-guided and interactive mini-courses on topics related to Proactive Positive Behavioral Support.  Learn about a strategy, research finding, best practice or regulation in just two to five minutes!


Proactive Positive Behavioral Supports Mini Training Presentation

Coming Soon!

Minis will be self-guided and interactive mini-courses on topics related to positive behavioral supports and PBIS. Learn about a strategy, research finding, best practice or regulation in just two to five minutes!

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