Explicit and Specially Designed Instruction


Student Outcomes in Literacy, Math and Academic Learning Behaviors

At our June 7th 2018 Student Outcomes Conference (SOCon) 17 districts and schools shared the exciting successes their students with disabilities are achieving, and the practices and systems that they put in place to ensure this success. Here are the student outcomes that were shared in the areas of literacy, math and academic behaviors!

Effective Vocabulary Instruction: The Backbone to Reading Comprehension

Vocabulary directly affects reading and oral comprehension. Effective vocabulary instruction requires careful planning and an understanding that struggling learners often lack the skills to derive meaning from context. Effective vocabulary instruction actively involves students and focuses on developing a deep understanding of Tier 2 words through direct explicit vocabulary instruction and frequent opportunities to practice using new vocabulary words. With these tools, we can ensure all students are successful readers.

One to Grow On — Caring Teachers

Many of us have classroom stories attesting to the impact of relationships with students.  Recent research suggests that we can intentionally engineer such relationships.  But reflecting on past classes, the very process of getting to know students better never stopped at just finding interests to ask them about or at identifying commonalities.

Mini Training Presentation

See below for self-guided and interactive mini-courses on topics related to Explicit and Specially Designed Instruction.  Learn about a strategy, research finding, best practice or regulation in just two to five minutes!


Explicit and Specially Designed Instruction Mini Training Presentation

Coming Soon!

Minis will be self-guided and interactive mini-courses on topics related to EI and SDI.  Learn about a strategy, research finding, best practice or regulation in just two to five minutes!

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