What Works in Education? Evidence-Based Practices!
These days the education market is being flooded with products that claim to be “research-based” or “evidence-based”. For educators who are always looking for a program, product, or practice that will help students, it is easy to become overwhelmed by all the hype. How do we sift through the claims made by the creators and sellers of products or practices to truly distinguish the good from the bad??Effective Feedback: A Powerful Learning Support
Why is it important to think about the type of feedback we give to our students on their work? According to John Hattie (2015), his review of the effect sizes of 195 influences on student learning showed that effective feedback is “among the most powerful of influences.” However, Hattie warned that ”Effect sizes from these studies show considerable variability, meaning some forms of feedback are more powerful than others.” How can we give effective and powerful feedback to students that improves learning?According to an article by Grant Wiggins, Seven Keys to Effective Feedback (2012), effective feedback is 1) goal-referenced; 2) specific and actionable; 3) user-friendly; 4) timely; and 5) on-going and consistent. It is also based on formative assessments and includes opportunities for students to apply the feedback to their work. Effective feedback is not advice or praise; effective feedback lets the student know specifically what they did correctly and what they need to do to improve the work so they meet the goal or objective of the lesson or project.