We work hard to ensure we are providing training and support that Lower Hudson educators need to be able to meet the needs of their students with disabilities. Each year, we wait with bated breath for the results of our Year-End Survey to see how we did. This year, we heard from over 350 of you, who attended 800 trainings. 98% of you reported that the trainings were Useful to Extremely Useful.
While attendees felt trainings were useful, we wondered if they had actually applied the learning back at their schools. We were pleased that 63% reported implementing a new practice learned in the training, and another 25% were planning to.
Examples of changes in practices included:
♦ I made greater use of data to inform interventions and initiated a Check In-Check Out program.
♦ I am insuring the goals, benchmarks, accommodations etc. on the IEP are all aligned.
♦ We now use a streamlined and informed system of conducting FBAs and BIPs. With a deeper understanding of the FBA-BIP process, we are better able to support families.
♦ I became more reflective in my vocabulary instruction and began to pre-teach and provide direct instruction in this.
♦ I have provided some resources in [students’] native language. I have allowed verbal responses and other forms of response instead of only written responses in English.
♦ Checking for understanding throughout my entire lesson has proven to be extremely helpful in identifying struggling students right away.
♦ I am planning with my team for getting outside services for students (camps, OPWDD, etc)
♦ I am using the templates to assure accurate goals and measurement. I’m including students in creation of their IEPs.
♦ With a broader perspective of post-secondary options, I am better able to support families making decisions pertaining to their high school IEP, so that the process is focused on the ultimate outcome.
See our September 2017 Bright Spots to see the impact this had on student outcomes!