Lower Hudson Regional Partnership Center Reporter Articles


What Are the New Changes in Testing Accommodations?

By Ann Narcisse & Laurie Levine, Regional Special Education Training Specialists
February 2017
In a few months, many of our students with disabilities will be taking the Grades 3-8 New York State English Language Arts Assessments. As a result of a new State Education Department (SED) policy there have been changes in allowable testing accommodations, specifically with the accommodat...

Improving All Students’ Mental Health Outcomes: Start with Why - Part II

By Andrew J. Ecker, EdD, Special Education School Improvement Specialist
January 2017
Two years ago I wrote a Reporter article to share my why (as in Sinek, 2011) – improving mental health outcomes for all students. Since then I have participated in the National Interconnected Systems Framework (ISF) Targeted Workgroup and conducted doctoral research on this topic. My t...

New Graduation Pathway for Students with Disabilities

By Stephanie Wozniak, Transition Specialist
December 2016
At the June 2016 meeting, the Board of Regents adopted an amendment that created a new graduation pathway for students with a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This emergency amendment states that, if these students are unable to meet the graduation requirements by demonstratin...

Student Goal-Setting & Self-Monitoring: A Critical Life Skill

By Patti Slobogin, Director
November 2016
The first principle of the New York State Blueprint for Improved Outcomes for Students with Disabilities states: Students engage in self-advocacy and are involved in determining their own educational goals and plans. The Blueprint clarifies that students with disabilities should be creatin...
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