Lower Hudson Regional Partnership Center Reporter Articles


Welcome Back from The Lower Hudson RSE-TASC!

By Patti Slobogin, PhD, Director
September 2015
Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! It has been an eventful summer but it is great to feel the excitement of educators and students returning to classrooms full of plans and optimism.

In this first newsletter of 2015-2016 we want to share with you some of the exciting plan...

Meeting of the Minds: How Neuroscience Can Inform Instruction

By Randy Ascher, Special Education School Improvement Specialist
Summer 2015
In Multiple Pathways to the Student Brain Janet Nay Zadina, neuroscience researcher and teacher, describes what we know about how the brain works and the implications for teachers. In each chapter, Zadina focuses on a neural pathway; e.g., sensory-motor, attention and memory, or frontal l...

Resistance to Change? Meet Them Where They Are

By Dale Langley, Behavior Specialist
June 2015
A few weeks into my new position as the Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) coach for my school team, I enthusiastically explained to a veteran staff member how we were implementing a new framework to address student behavior that would lead to a safer, more positive school...

Youth Court as an Alternative to Suspension

By Sara Fienup, Behavior Specialist
May 2015
The data are in: Suspension and expulsion do not work. Not only do they fail to improve student behavior and create safer schools as was once believed, they actually lead to negative outcomes. Studies have found that the higher the rates of suspension and expulsion in a school, the lower t...
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