Do you want some simple ideas for promoting positive behavior in your classroom? Read on!
Prevention ideas:
Greet students at the classroom door; encourage teachers to reinforce positive behaviors and tell them why it’s important to do so; reduce the number of students in unstructured areas; provide structured activities & stations during unstructured times; increase active supervision practices; remind students of positive behaviors during announcements; remind students of positive behaviors during homeroom
Teaching ideas:
Explain, demonstrate, and have students role-play specific, positive behaviors; list the problem behaviors you are noticing and identify a positive, replacement behavior to teach; hold an assembly and have student create skits to show positive replacement behaviors; have a student poster contest and ask students to make posters of the school-wide expectations; teach appropriate transition behavior
Reinforcement ideas:
Increase the rate in which tickets are provided and always remember to pair tickets with specific praise (nice job using equipment appropriately; I noticed you persevered with that difficult task; I like how you used a voice level of 2 during group time); provide 30 minutes of Friday Fun Time for the whole school if a certain number of tickets are earned