Should the state make SUNY colleges free? Should income taxes or property taxes fund public schools? How should the state support districts with high rates of poverty? How do we provide equitable education for ALL students in New York?
These are some issues that may be explored if New York State holds a Constitutional Convention in 2017. Every 20 years, the state constitution mandates a statewide vote on whether to convene a constitutional convention. The next vote arrives Nov. 7, 2017. If voters decide to hold a convention, 15 delegates will meet in Albany to propose changes to the constitution to be approved by voters in the state.
Why should you care?
Some very important issues could be addressed in a constitution convention. These might include:
- How will New York define a “sound basic education”?
- How can the state ensure equity in funding schools and districts?
- What system will best allow us to monitor progress toward attaining our educational goals?
To help voters understand the Constitutional Convention process and issues WCNY, Central New York’s member-supported public broadcasting station, is producing six episodes on the topic for their Connect: NY series. I watched this episode which helped me understand our complex school funding system, including why many people feel our current structures is inequitable and what they think can be done to improve it. It’s a lively discussion that provokes some deeper thinking about how we create an educational system that ensures individuals become productive members of society capable of civic activity. Take a look!