At the Lower Hudson Regional Partnership Center, we start with our Why: Ensuring success for students with disabilities.
Our goal to improve outcomes for all students with disabilities by ensuring the development of strong academic, social-emotional and self-determination skills is at the center of everything we do. We evaluate our work in terms of the impact it has on student performance. These impacts are shared in our Bright Spot stories, through which we celebrate students’ accomplishments.
Our focus is on How educators ensure student success: Implementing evidence-based practices and systems.
Students with disabilities are successful when schools and districts provide them full access to the educational experience by identifying, implementing and assessing the impact of:
- student self-advocacy & goal setting
- individualized educational programming
- family-school-community collaborations
- evidence-based instructional practices
- specially designed instruction
- multi-tiered systems of support
- career development and work-based learning
We develop our What: Providing regional technical assistance and support to educators.
We provide a coordinated system of high quality regional technical assistance, professional development and on-site support to district and school communities in Putnam, Rockland and Westchester counties in partnership with Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES, Rockland BOCES, Southern Westchester BOCES and Yonkers City Schools. This support ranges from regional trainings on effective practices and systems (see our current calendar of trainings), to intensive quality improvement supports on-site for individual schools, to web-based tools and supports.