Recently, I’ve been thinking about how we structure our trainings and workshops. We always try to pack in a full day of content on the subject area. We try to provide the best resources and most effective tools. We work to provide time for you to practice, time for you to reflect, time for you to discuss, and time for you to connect with and hear from your colleagues. We also try to leave time for your questions. We care so much about the quality of our trainings and want so much to give you every concept, insight, and support we possibly can, that frequently we over-schedule our time. And we don’t have as much time as we would like to hear from you. Then the day is over and we don’t hear from you about what practice you were able to implement or what concept you were able to turn-key to a colleague. We don’t get to hear how things are going: what’s working and what obstacles have come along. We don’t get to be there when you have questions or need direction.
So, why not use this blog as an opportunity to do just that?
I’m not sure how this will work out, but the idea is if you email me your question(s), I will select 1-2 per month to put before our RSE-TASC team for each of us to independently compose a brief response. Then I will collate our answers and post them on this blog. The end result is for each question selected, we will provide answers, suggestions, and resources based on our own perspectives and experiences. Meaning they may align and be very similar or they deviate and focus on differing aspects of the situation.
All identifying information will be removed so questions appear anonymous and our responses are more readily generalizable for all our readers. We are excited to see what questions you have and what answers we come up with…
Send your questions to: using the subject line: Blog Questions