About Us

We start with our Why: Ensuring success for students with disabilities…

The Lower Hudson Regional Partnership Center is one of ten centers funded by the New York State Office of Special Education. The goal of the Office of Special Education is to create a coordinated statewide network of technical assistance and professional development that improves outcomes for students with disabilities in New York State.

WHY does the work of the Lower Hudson Regional Partnership Center matter?

At the Lower Hudson Regional Partnership Center, we believe we improve outcomes for students with disabilities by ensuring the development of strong academic, social-emotional and self-determination skills.


HOW does the Lower Hudson Regional Partnership Center ensure students with disabilities achieve this success?

We believe students with disabilities are successful when schools and districts provide them full access to the educational experience by identifying, implementing and assessing the impact of evidence-based instructional practices and multi-tiered systems of support; working with families, students and colleagues to create effective Individualized Educational Programs for each student; and ensuring students with disabilities set achievable and meaningful goals for engagement in the community during and after leaving school.


WHAT does the Lower Hudson Regional Partnership Center do to ensure educators implement these practices?

We provide a coordinated system of high quality regional technical assistance, professional development, and on-site support to district and school communities in Putnam, Rockland, and Westchester counties in partnership with Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES, Rockland BOCES, Southern Westchester BOCES and Yonkers Public Schools. Supports are provided to develop the capacity of regional educators in implementing:

  • Student self-determination and goal-setting
  • High quality individualized educational programs
  • Proactive, positive school cultures and discipline systems
  • Explicit and specially designed instruction and lesson study
  • Literacy and behavioral interventions
  • Interventions for students with disabilities who are English Language Learners
  • Transition planning systems and post-secondary options
  • Work-based learning
  • School improvement processes


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