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Ask the ‘TASC is a PBIS advice column from the RSE-TASC Specialists

Question: How do I continue PBIS after long breaks or with new staff or students?

Response 1:

Fran Fernandez,

Non District Specialist

Although we all enjoy time off, it can slow momentum. A great way to get staff and students “re-energized” is through clear communication. Create and distribute a flier in staff mailboxes that reviews behavioral expectations and features an inspirational quote, and/or use the loudspeaker to make an announcement to get PBIS back on everyone’s mind.  As a crafty teacher, I have been known to create posters with catchy slogans (that connect to the school-wide expectations) and hang them around the school to get everyone thinking about PBIS.

When it comes to new staff or students, consider creating a “PBIS Orientation” guide in a booklet or video format and, if possible, schedule some time to review it with new staff or students. When creating this guide, get input from current students and staff to ensure it incorporates what they consider to be catchy and critical information.

This is a great agenda item for a PBIS team.  Together your team can flush out ideas and proactively plan for what will work best for your school.

Response 2:

Dale Langley,

Behavior Specialist

My advice is to always cover the fundamentals:

  1. teach expected behaviors
  2. have students practice behaviors and staff practice giving specific praise
  3. explain and give out acknowledgements

When your audience is new staff or students, I would stick with a very straight-forward teaching approach. But when you are providing a booster and reviewing information, try to find a fun, fresh way to teach and practice the expectations. Talk to other schools and look online for inspiration…

Here’s a link to a YouTube video from an elementary school talking about how they do Booster (on-going) trainings, as well as, how they integrate their PBIS efforts into all parts of their school and district initiatives:

This webpage link includes activities from each grade level in a school for reviewing their schoolwide expected behaviors:

This webpage  link includes sample booster activities for elementary students, including lesson plans and some creative activities for student engagement:

If you have a question you would like us to answer, please email your question to: with the subject line “Ask the ‘TASC”